Progetto cofinanziato dall’Unione Europea – Fondi Strutturali di Investimento Europei – Programma Operativo Città Metropolitane 2014-2020
The Crowdfunding market - Lecture
The 4 types Crowdfunding - Lecture
Social Crowdfunding: successfull cases - Lecture
How to plan a Crowdfunding campaign - Team Work
strategies of digital marketing
Anatomy of a landing page - Lecture
From attraction to conversion - Lecture
A/B test to optimise conversation - Lecture
Creation of a landing page - Team Work
email marketing automation
Introduction to email marketing - Lecture
How to build an e-mail marketing campaign - Lecture
Marketing Automation - Lecture
Definition of the workflow of an e-mail marketing campaign - Team Work
sem & online advertising
Google AdWords: Basic e strumenti - Lecture
Setting up a campaign - Lecture
Campaign management - Lecture
Creation of a campaign - Team Work
digital analytics
Digital Analytics - Lecture
Google Analytics - Lecture
Digital Analytics: Settings - Lecture
Digital Analytics: Report - Lecture
smart pr
Social Networks - Lecture
Elements of a successful Facebook Strategy - Lecture
Facebook Ads - Lecture
Creation of a Facebook campaign - Team Work